DepEd LIS: Learner Information System FAQ & User Guide


Are you curious about the LIS DepEd system? If you’re a parent, teacher, or student in the Philippines, this article is your go-to resource for understanding the LIS DepEd system. We’ll explore its significance, features, and benefits while addressing frequently asked questions (FAQs) along the way.

The DepEd Learner Information System (LIS) is an online facility that provides for the registration of learners enrolled in public schools in the Philippines. The system was initiated in 2011 through DepEd Order No. 67 s. 2011, which called for the buildup of the Learner BD and the submission of a master list of learners for SY 2011 by all public schools. In 2012, DepEd Order No. 22 s. 2012 created Learner Reference Numbers (LRNs) for every public-school learner and launched an online database of learners from public schools. In 2013, DepEd Order No. 33 s. 2013 enabled online updating of learners via LIS, and in 2014, DepEd Order Nos. 13 & 42 s. 2014 saw the full implementation of LIS. In 2015, DepEd Order No. 25.2015 included ALS and private schools, while DepEd Order No. 48 s. 2015 included early registration for SHS. In 2016, DepEd Order No. 25 s. 2016 included SHS enrollment in all public schools, while DepEd Order No. 34 s. 2015 included SHS enrollment in private schools

LIS DepEd: Unraveling the Basics

The LIS DepEd (Learner Information System in the Department of Education) is the backbone of the Philippines’ educational infrastructure. It’s a digital platform designed to streamline and centralize data related to students, teachers, and schools.

Why is LIS DepEd Important?

The LIS DepEd is vital for the efficient management of educational data. It enables the Department of Education to:

  • Maintain accurate student records.
  • Allocate resources effectively.
  • Monitor educational progress.
  • Plan for school improvements.

To delve deeper into the LIS DepEd, let’s explore some key areas.

Features of LIS DepEd

The LIS DepEd offers a wide array of features, making it a valuable resource for educators, parents, and students alike.

1. Student Information Management

The LIS DepEd allows for the seamless management of student records, including personal details, grades, attendance, and more. This feature ensures that each student’s information is up-to-date and readily accessible.

2. Teacher Profile Management

Teachers play a critical role in education, and the LIS DepEd recognizes this by maintaining detailed profiles for each teacher. These profiles include qualifications, teaching assignments, and professional development records.

3. School Information

The system also provides a comprehensive repository for school-related information, such as location, contact details, and performance metrics. This feature helps the Department of Education allocate resources and monitor the quality of education in each school.

4. Enrollment and Registration

LIS DepEd simplifies the enrollment and registration process for both students and schools. It ensures a smooth transition for new students and minimizes paperwork.

5. Reporting and Analytics

One of the key advantages of LIS DepEd is its ability to generate detailed reports and analytics. This data-driven approach helps the Department of Education make informed decisions to improve the educational system.

The User-Friendly Interface

One of the remarkable features of LIS DepEd is its user-friendly interface. Users find it easy to navigate and access the required information quickly. The platform offers a dashboard that displays critical information at a glance, making it convenient for users to access the data they need.

The Importance of Data Security

When dealing with sensitive educational information, data security is paramount. LIS DepEd places a high emphasis on securing data, ensuring that unauthorized individuals cannot access or manipulate student and school data.

How to Use LIS DEP ED

To access the LIS DEP ED, type at the address or location bar of a web browser, then press Enter6. Here are the steps to use LIS DEP ED:

  1. Logging in and out of the LIS
  2. LIS Dashboard
  3. List of Classes
  4. Enrolment of Learners
  5. Updating Enrolment Status of Learners (EOSY Updating)ย 
  6. Masterlist of Learners
  7. Reports

Data in the LIS

The Learner Information System contains the following data:

  1. Basic personal information of the learner
  2. Enrollment history, including formal and non-formal education
  3. Class details and class advisers for formal education
  4. Learning facilitators for ALS and Abot-Alam programs
  5. Grades and evaluation results
  6. Indication of benefits, such as 4Ps, CCT, ESC, QVR
  7. Health and nutritional status
  8. And more.

Who’s Responsible?

The Department of Education (DepEd) owns the LIS, with responsibilities divided as follows:

  • Process Owner: EMISD-PS
  • Development: ICTS-SDD
  • Support & Training: ICTS-USD

LIS Users

The following entities are required to register and update their learners’ profiles in the LIS, as per DO 22 s. 2012, DO 16 s. 2015, and DO 52 s. 2016:

  • All public and private elementary and secondary schools
  • State universities and colleges (SUC), local universities and colleges (LUC), and higher education institutions (HEI) offering elementary and secondary education
  • All programs under the Alternative Learning System (ALS), including Abot-Alam, whether DepEd-Delivered, -procured, or โ€“ partnered

LIS Functional Design

The LIS serves various functions, including:

  • Maintaining a registry of all learners in the Philippines
  • Managing enrollment data
  • Facilitating class management
  • Handling transfers and movements of learners
  • Managing learner promotion and graduation
  • Supporting the Alternative Learning System

DepEd Learner Information System (LIS) Users Manual v1.2

The Department of Education (DepEd) has provided a User Manual for utilizing the LIS. This manual is available as a PDF document and includes comprehensive instructions for using the Learner Information System. You can download the manual from this post. The manual covers the following topics:

  • LIS Dashboard: The introductory section of the manual.
  • Logging in and out of the LIS: Simple steps for accessing the LIS.
  • Account Check: Instructions for updating your password, especially if you’re logging in for the first time using the default school user account.
  • List of Classes: Displaying the classes for each grade/year level, along with the total number of enrolled learners.
  • Create New Class/Section: Steps for adding or creating a new class/section.
  • Enrollment of Learners: Instructions for enrolling specific learners, including those from the previous school year, batch enrollment, new learners, or transferees from other schools.
  • Updating Enrollment Status of Learners (EOSY Updating): Details about updating enrollment status by class, finalizing EOSY updates at the class and school levels, and reverting finalized EOSY updates.
  • Masterlist of Learners: Displaying the list of learners by school year, grade, and section, along with the ability to search for, register, and enroll learners individually or by class using the batch enrollment feature.
  • School Forms: Generating reports, including Form 1 (School Register), Form 4 (Monthly Report on Learner Movement & Attendance), and Form 5 (Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency).

FAQs About LIS DepEd

Q: Is LIS DepEd mandatory for all schools in the Philippines?

Yes, LIS DepEd is mandatory for all public and private schools in the Philippines. It helps the Department of Education maintain accurate records and allocate resources effectively.

Q: Can parents access their child’s information on LIS DepEd?

Yes, parents can request access to their child’s information through their respective schools. However, access is typically limited to protect the privacy and security of students.

Q: How often is LIS DepEd data updated?

LIS DepEd data is updated regularly to ensure accuracy. Teachers and school administrators are responsible for maintaining this information.

Q: Can teachers use LIS DepEd for lesson planning?

While LIS DepEd primarily serves administrative purposes, some features can be useful for teachers, such as accessing student records and tracking attendance.

Q: What should I do if I find incorrect information in LIS DepEd?

If you discover incorrect information, contact your school’s administrative office to request corrections.

Q: Are there any costs associated with using LIS DepEd?

No, the use of LIS DepEd is free for all educational institutions in the Philippines.


In conclusion, LIS DepEd is a crucial component of the Philippines’ education system. It streamlines data management, enhances resource allocation, and ensures that students receive the best possible education. By offering a user-friendly interface and robust security measures, it stands as a reliable system that benefits students, teachers, and schools alike.

If you want to explore further or have any more questions about LIS DepEd, feel free to reach out to your local school or education authority.

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