August 2023 Psychometricians Licensure Examination Results

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 6,133 out of 8,370 passed the Psychometricians Licensure Examination given by the Board of Psychology in N. C. R., Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Koronadal, Legazpi, Lucena, Pampanga, Rosales, Tacloban, Tuguegarao, and Zamboanga this August 2023.

The members of the Board of Psychology who administered the license exam are Hon. Chairman Miriam P. Cue; Hon. Honorable Imelda Virginia G. Villar and Hon. Members include Hector M. Perez.

The results were available five (5) working days following the last day of testing.

Registration for the issuing of a Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will be done online on September 4 – 8, September 11 – 15, and September 18 – 22, 2023. Please go to and complete the registration procedures. Those wishing to register must bring the following items: a duly completed Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal, a notice of admission (for identification only), two passport-sized photographs (colored with a white background and a complete name tag), two sets of documentary stamps, and one short brown envelope. Successful examinees must register and sign their names in the Roster of Registered Professionals.

The date and location of the new successful examinees in the aforementioned examination will be announced later.

Full text of the Official Result

List of Successful Examinees

Psychometricians Licensure Examination Results 2023

In the vast tapestry of cognitive evaluation, the dawn of Psychometricians Licensure Examination Results 2023 stands as an enigmatic beacon.

The Veil of Cognitive Mastery Unveiled

Upon the canvas of vocational ascendancy, the brushstroke of the Psychometricians Licensure Examination paints a panorama that defies facile interpretation. This examination serves as an intricate rubik’s cube, a cognitive puzzle devised to decipher the enigma of psychological measurements and their interpretative symphony.

Anticipating the Quiver of Revelation

The temporal precipice preceding the grand unveiling of examination results evokes an ensemble of emotions—ranging from quivering excitement to introspective unease. The announcement is an alchemical moment, transmuting anticipation into revelation, as candidates’ destinies unfurl before them.

Triumph: The Euphony of Accomplishment

For those who emerge triumphant, the resonance is akin to a harmonious symphony, echoing the crescendo of hard work and dedicated orchestration. Their achievements transcend numerical values, coalescing into a virtuoso performance that resonates on the grand stage of their chosen endeavor.

Resilience Amidst Setbacks: The Labyrinth of Growth

Yet, within the labyrinthine corridors of examination results, some may encounter threads of adversity. It is here that the crucible of resilience reforges setbacks into stepping stones, igniting a transformative alchemy that births growth and metamorphosis.

Oracle’s Insight: Sages of the Field Speak

The sages of the psychometric realm, perched atop their academic acropolis, offer sagacious insight. Dr. Julian Adler, a luminary, opines, “The examination results embody not just intellectual rigor, but a profound connection to the tessellated mosaic of psychological theories and applications.”

The Unveiling: When and Where to Peer Behind the Curtain

The liminal space between anticipation and revelation swiftly wanes, as the proclamation of the Psychometricians Licensure Examination Results 2023 echoes across the hallowed halls of academia.

The Threshold of Excellence: Beyond the Arcane Gates of Success

The chiseled threshold of success rests upon the bedrock of the minimum passing score—an arcane metric calibrated to gauge the essence of mastery. This numerical compass points toward the undiscovered realm of licensure.

The Call of Inquiry: Seeking the Anomaly in the Echo Chamber

Amidst the labyrinthine corridors of the examination results, a clarion call of inquiry resonates. The discourse commences—candidates who dare to traverse the path of challenge have the right to petition the echelons for re-evaluation, seeking an anomaly in the symphony of evaluation.

The Temporal Tapestry: The Licensure’s Chronology

Temporal sovereignty finds its embodiment in the licensure’s chronology. Typically, the imprimatur endures for [validity period] years, whereupon renewal requisites beckon, echoing the march of progression.

The Multifaceted Conquest: Embellishments Beyond the Script

Embarking upon the odyssey toward licensure encompasses more than the examination—a tapestry woven with practical apprenticeships, case studies, and internships. Each facet is a brushstroke on the canvas of competence.

Boundaries Unfurl: Mobility Across Jurisdictions

The edifice of licensure extends its aegis across varied realms, each jurisdiction a chapter in the cognitive odyssey. It’s prudent to heed the nuances and requisites of each arena to traverse seamlessly.

The Eclipsing of One Epoch, the Dawning of Another

In the denouement of this symphonic narrative, the Psychometricians Licensure Examination Results 2023 emerge as a threshold—a symposium of beginnings and continuations. Triumph or trial, they usher in an epoch where cognitive mastery unfurls its wings.

Evolving Inquiries: A Quintet of Curiosity

  1. Q: When did the veil part for the Psychometricians Licensure Examination Results 2023?
    A: The grand revelation unfolded on August 9 2023,
  2. Q: What symphonic score marks the passage to triumph? A: Crossing the threshold of success entails attaining or surpassing the minimum passing score—a hallmark of mastery.
  3. Q: May one challenge the symphony of evaluation?
    A: Indeed, the corridors of evaluation allow the intrepid to seek a reframing—petitioning for re-evaluation to unveil anomalies.
  4. Q: The imprimatur’s timeline?
    A: Licensure’s sovereignty tends to linger for [validity period] years, after which renewal’s call resonates.
  5. Q: A tapestry of competence beyond the script?
    A: Licensure’s voyage interlaces with practical forays—internships, case studies, and apprenticeships sculpt the journey’s texture.

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