PRC Contact Information and Email Addresses on Related Transactions

In a strategic effort to enhance accessibility and streamline communication channels, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has officially released updated contact information for its various offices, divisions, and units. This critical notice serves as a public announcement, strongly urging individuals to take note of the revised contact details. The primary objective is to ensure the prompt and efficient resolution of queries and concerns related to PRC transactions.

Contacting PRC Made Easier through online via Email Addresses or website:

Recognizing the significance of maintaining transparent communication with the public, the PRC emphasizes the need for individuals to channel their inquiries and concerns directly to the relevant PRC office, division, or unit using the provided email addresses. This deliberate strategy aims to centralize communication, guaranteeing that each query promptly reaches the correct destination, resulting in swift and accurate responses.

Updated Email Addresses for Respective Offices:

For matters related to specific transactions, the public is encouraged to use the following email addresses based on the concerned PRC office, division, or unit:

DepartmentConcernEmail Address
Information and Communication Technology service (ICTs)– Resetting of Password
– Concerns related to PRC Online Services
– Landbank and PayMaya Payments
Accreditation and Compliance Division (ACD)– Accreditation of Professional Organizations[email protected]
Professional Registry Division (PRD-Central) – Certification and Verification of Status of Registration of Professionals[email protected]
Professional Regulatory Board (PRB)– Secretariat
– Oathtaking Concerns
[email protected]
Continuing Professional Development Diviosion (CPDD)– Concerns on Applications for CPD Programs and Providers
– Other CPD-Related concerns
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Cash Division– Refund Concerns[email protected]
Archives and Records Division (ARD-Central)– Freedom of Information (FOI) Request[email protected]
Public Information and Media Relations Unit– General Information/ Concerns[email protected]

NCR OFFICE Email Addresses

– Availability of Appointments Slots[email protected]
[email protected]
– Application for Licensure Examinations[email protected]
[email protected]
– Issuance of Certification and Authentication of Passing and Rating
– Stateboard Verification
[email protected]
– Change of Name/Status and correction of Data/Entry[email protected]
-Initial Registration
– Renewal of Professional Identication Card
– Issuance of Certificate of Good Standing
– Issuance of Certicate of Registration (COR) for NCR
– Authentication of PIC and COR
[email protected]
[email protected]


– Electronic Filing of Pleadings[email protected]
– Request for Tagging/Untagging[email protected]
-Media-related Pleadings[email protected]
Public Complaints (PCC, 888, ARTA, CSC, DOH, etc.)[email protected]
Request for Issuance of Certificate of Non-Deregatory Record/NMC Verification[email protected]


– Electronic Filing of Pleadings (for In Re cases)
– Public Complaints Illegal Practice, etc.)
[email protected]
– Request for Opinion[email protected]

Meticulously updated to reflect the current points of contact within the PRC structure, these email addresses ensure a more personalized and efficient resolution to concerns when inquiries are directed to the appropriate channels. This results in a heightened level of responsiveness and effectiveness for individuals dealing with the Professional Regulation Commission.

Why Use the Updated Contact Information ?

  1. Precision in Communication:
    • Utilizing the specified email addresses ensures that your queries are directed to the relevant office, avoiding unnecessary delays or miscommunications.
  2. Timely Responses:
    • The updated contact information is designed to facilitate quicker responses, allowing the PRC to address inquiries promptly and efficiently.
  3. Enhanced Service Quality:
    • By streamlining communication, the PRC aims to enhance overall service quality, providing a more seamless experience for the public.


Emphasizing a commitment to transparency and efficiency, the PRC introduces a notable update in contact information. Consequently, as the public warmly embraces these changes, there’s an anticipated shift towards more convenient and user-friendly transactions and interactions with the PRC. To optimize your experience, strongly recommend taking note of the provided email addresses. This ensures a seamless process, allowing you to experience a new level of responsiveness and effectiveness in all your dealings with the Professional Regulation Commission.

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