Philippine Civil Service Career Service Exam Mockup Exam

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Are you preparing for the Civil Service Exam? This Civil Service Mockup Exam for professionals is a rigorous assessment designed to evaluate candidates’ competencies in the upcoming Career Service Exam. A total of 170 items, including 20 items for the Examinee’s Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) and 150 items for the main examination, candidates are tested on their English and Filipino verbal abilities, analytical skills, numerical proficiency, and general knowledge.

3 things you should consider before taking the exam

The Civil Service Mockup Exam is more than just a test of what you know. It’s about memorizing and familiarizing the scope, thinking critically, and managing your time efficiently.

The Exam timer will start immediately once you click the button. You will only have 3 hours and 10 mins just like the actual exam. Good luck.

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