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How Many Items are in the Philippines Civil Service Exam?

how many items in civil service exam

how many items in civil service exam


The Civil Service Career Service Exam is a must have for individuals aspiring to work in the government sector in the Philippines. This highly competitive exam is designed to assess candidates’ knowledge, skills, and aptitude for various government positions. One common question that often asked among test-takers is, “How many items are in the Philippines Civil Service Exam?” In this article, you will learn how many items for Professional and Subprofessional including their time limits.

Format of the Civil Service Exam

The Civil Service Exam in the Philippines consist of two parts: the Career Service Professional Examination (CSE-PPT) and the Subprofessional Examination (CSE-SUB). Both exams consist of multiple-choice questions that evaluate candidates’ abilities in different subject areas.

Number of Items in the CSE-PPT

The Career Service Professional Examination (CSE-PPT) consists of 170 items. Candidates are 3 hours and 10 minutes to complete the exam. These Exam

Sample Answer Sheet for CS Exam.pdf

Number of Items in the CSE-SUB

The Subprofessional Level Examination (CSE-SUB) contains 165 items. Similar to the CSE-PPT, this exam covers subjects like English grammar and vocabulary, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, general information, and current events. As with the professional level exam, candidates must complete all items within a designated time frame.

Importance of Knowing the Number of Items

Understanding the number of items in each section of the Civil Service Exam is essential for effective preparation. By knowing how many questions are included, candidates can plan their study schedule accordingly and allocate sufficient time for each topic. Additionally, being aware of the number of items helps test-takers manage their time during the actual exam and avoid getting stuck on any particular question.

Time Allocation for Each Item

In both the CSE-PPT and CSE-SUB, candidates are given a fixed amount of time to complete all the items. It is crucial to allocate time wisely, ensuring that each question receives an appropriate amount of attention. By practicing time management techniques during preparation, candidates can enhance their chances of completing the exam successfully.


ReferenceProfessional LevelSubProfessional Level
No. of Test ItemsTest Proper150145
Time Limit3 hours , 10 minutes2 hours, 40 minutes
Test Proper8am to 11:10am8am to 10:40 a.m.
Time Required for Pre and Post Examination Activities / DocumentationApproximately one hour before and one hour after the testproper

EDQ = Examinee’s Descriptive Questionnaire / Personal Info

The number of items in the Philippines Civil Service Exam varies depending on the level of examination. The Career Service Professional Examination (CSE-PPT) consists of 170 items, while the Subprofessional Level Examination (CSE-SUB) contains 165 items. By understanding the number of questions and planning their preparation accordingly, aspiring government employees can approach the exam with confidence and increase their chances of success. Remember, proper time management and thorough subject knowledge are key to performing well in this highly competitive examination. Good luck to all future test-takers!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Philippines Civil Service Exam

Q: What is the Philippines Civil Service Exam? A: The Philippines Civil Service Exam is a standardized test designed to assess the knowledge, skills, and aptitude of individuals aspiring to work in the government sector.

Q: How many items are in the Career Service Professional Examination (CSE-PPT)? A: The CSE-PPT consists of 170 items that cover various subjects such as English grammar and vocabulary, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, general information, and current events.

Q: How many items are in the Subprofessional Level Examination (CSE-SUB)? A: The CSE-SUB contains 165 items that cover similar subjects as the CSE-PPT, including English grammar and vocabulary, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, general information, and current events.

Q: Why is it important to know the number of items in each exam? A: Knowing the number of items helps candidates plan their study schedule effectively and allocate sufficient time for each subject. It also enables them to manage their time during the actual exam and avoid spending too much time on a single question.

Q: How much time do candidates have to complete the Civil Service Exam? A: Candidates are given a specific time limit to complete all the items in both the CSE-PPT and CSE-SUB. Proper time management is crucial to ensure all questions are answered within the designated timeframe.

Q: What subjects are covered in the Civil Service Exam? A: The exam covers subjects such as English grammar and vocabulary, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, general information, and current events. These topics assess candidates’ knowledge and skills relevant to government positions.

Q: Are there any specific resources or study materials available for the Civil Service Exam? A: Yes, there are various resources available such as review books, online practice tests, and study guides specifically designed for the Civil Service Exam. These materials can help candidates prepare effectively for the exam.

Q: How can I improve my chances of success in the Philippines Civil Service Exam? A: To increase your chances of success, it is important to allocate sufficient time for studying, practice with sample questions and mock exams, develop effective time management skills, and stay updated on current events and general knowledge.

Q: Can I retake the Civil Service Exam if I don’t pass on my first attempt? A: Yes, you can retake the Civil Service Exam if you don’t pass on your first attempt. There are specific guidelines and waiting periods between attempts, so it’s advisable to check with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for the latest information.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for taking the Civil Service Exam? A: There are no age restrictions for taking the Civil Service Exam. As long as you meet the other eligibility requirements set by the CSC, you can participate in the exam regardless of age.

Q: Is the Civil Service Exam only applicable for government job positions in the Philippines? A: Yes, the Civil Service Exam is specifically designed for individuals aspiring to work in government job positions within the Philippines. It is an essential requirement to qualify for various government positions in different departments and agencies.

Remember, if you have any specific questions or need further clarification regarding the Philippines Civil Service Exam, it’s always advisable to consult official sources such as the Civil Service Commission (CSC) or authorized review centers.

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